Laser Dentistry Technology continues to change our lives every day. Increasingly, dentists are choosing to use cutting-edge tools including dental lasers to take care of your oral health. Depending on the type of laser your dentist uses, they can successfully treat many common periodontal and gum conditions in a gentle, minimally invasive way.
With thousands of lasers in use in dental offices worldwide, millions of patients have experienced the benefits of laser dentistry, such as gentler procedures and comfortable healing.
Our award-winning laser system is a safe and gentle alternative to traditional dental tools. One of the significant advances in modern dentistry has been the development of dental laser technology. Today, dental lasers are being increasingly used to treat periodontal disease, perform biopsies or the removal of oral lesions, to cure restorative (filling) materials, as well as to activate in-office teeth whitening systems.
Dental lasers combine laser energy with water and air to safely treat bacteria of the soft tissues in the mouth. It operates without direct contact to the tooth without heat, vibration, or pressure thereby minimizing the discomfort of the procedure and the need for dental anesthesia. In addition dental lasers can reduce anxiety for patients fearful of dental work, minimize post-operative bleeding and swelling, and preserve healthy tooth structure during the removal of soft tissues.
While dental lasers may be an excellent treatment option in some situations, they cannot be used for every dental procedure.
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